NEOS Executive

Responsible to the Library Directors, the NEOS Executive Committee develops, recommends and ensures the implementation of NEOS policies, which articulate the vision, mission, goals, and objectives of the consortium.

Among other responsibilities, the Executive sets direction for the operation of NEOS, administers the budget, gives direction to and receives proposals from NEOS working groups, resolves disputes, calls meetings of the Library Directors and accepts new members into the consortium in accordance with established policies and procedures.

The Committee is comprised of a Chair (elected by the Library Directors for 2-year term), the NEOS Manager, the director of the University of Alberta Libraries, or assigned delegate, and three members elected by the Library Directors (for a 2-year term).

Sheila Clark (NEOS Executive Chair)
Burman University

Anne Carr-WigginNEOS Manager
University of Alberta

Amanda Wills
Northwestern Polytechnic

Dan Mirau
Concordia University of Edmonton

Sharna Polard
Covenant Health

Weiwei Shi
University of Alberta